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/ PC-SIG: World of Games / PC-SIG World of Games (CDRM1080710) (1993).iso / 2534

Archives (2)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
SBLIB01.INF PCXlib Compressed Archive 12 96KB 1990-06-22
SBLIB02.INF PCXlib Compressed Archive 1 53KB 1990-06-22

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
FILE2534.TXT Text File 23 2KB 1990-10-05
GO.BAT DOS Batch File 1 7b 1990-10-05
SBHD Text File 23 469b 1990-06-22
SBINTRO Text File 23 747b 1990-06-22
SBPRT Text File 25 221b 1990-06-22
SBREG Text File 67 2KB 1990-06-22
SBSTART.BAT DOS Batch File 50 723b 1990-06-22
SICBO.DOC Text File 595 17KB 1990-06-22

Other Files (4)
LIST.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 25KB 1991-09-13
SBREAD.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 4KB 1990-06-22
SBREPLY.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 14b 1990-06-22
SICBO.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 81KB 1990-06-22